

How to use this toolkit

What is Open SPP?

What our users told us


Establish an enabling environment


Monitoring & evaluation

Build support and capabilities

Create an Action Plan


Assess needs

Choose a procurement method

Engage with the market

Set sustainability criteria

Prepare contract obligations

Monitor implementation

Open data & measuring progress

Options for data use

SPP uptake

Worked example: Measuring SPP uptake

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" width="40px" /> In this section we explain how you can use data to measure and monitor progress against the goal of promoting SPP uptake.


What is it?

Measuring SPP uptake levels is about knowing how much sustainable public procurement is being relied on by public buyers, either during the procurement process or after the fact to allow the clear identification of social, environmental, or economic procurement within tendering and contracting.

Why do it?

Government departments around the world are initiating policies and targets that either directly require buyers to consider social value, or have systemic policies (e.g. net zero targets) that require buyers to adapt their buying practices to consider more than savings. Measuring the uptake and progress of these new initiatives can be difficult, as the data needed to record changes in behavior can be hard to find.  Measuring SPP uptake allows public buyers to demonstrate that they’re incorporating sustainable procurement and therefore are meeting policy requirements.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" width="40px" /> Allows governments to demonstrate that new policies are having a meaningful effect on purchasing.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" width="40px" /> Clearly shows suppliers that sustainable procurement is a long-term commitment that they need to recognise (and benchmark their own performance).


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be592384-8d76-44a0-8696-1bdc7be9cb38/Icons_Light_Green5.png" width="40px" /> Links policy to procurement through a feedback loop allowing measurement of policy objectives to take place.


Getting started

Measuring the progress of sustainable procurement is usually about recording whether a contract or tender has been set out to meet a stated policy goal. As a result, measuring progress often takes the form of a binary “yes” or “no” tag that is recorded as part of the procurement process.

The challenge for governments is not how to measure the resulting data, that is normally as simple as adding up the total number of contracts or value of contracts that are recorded as being part of a sustainable procurement initiative. Instead the real challenge is how to establish whether or not a contract meets a commonly agreed threshold for sustainable procurement.

As such, it is vital for governments to be clear about the policies that they wish to implement, for instance if there is a policy to award contracts to female owned businesses then there needs to be good guidance on what constitutes a female owned business and under what circumstances the policy can be applied.

Once this has been clearly established, you can measure and record uptake of SPP policies.

Click through to the following sections to find out more about how to get started:

Sample indicators

There are different ways to measure progress against the adoption of SPP policies. Earlier in the toolkit, we introduced an M&E framework for measuring progress against sustainability goals by setting Goals, Outcomes and Indicators. This framework included sample Outcomes with associated Indicators that you can use to measure progress against the Goal of “Promoting SPP uptake”.

In the specific, worked example below, we have included these outcomes, together with the corresponding indicators, the relevant options for collecting data and some tips for implementation. These are just suggestions to demonstrate how to bring the elements of the Guide together, you would want to adjust them depending on your objectives, data available, the context, etc.

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Promoting SPP uptake Increasing SPP implementation Share of contracts which are classified as SPP - Number of contracts classified as SPP.

Option 2: Boost performance to policy through alerts | | Promoting SPP uptake | Increasing SPP implementation | Share of SPP contracts where sustainability outcomes have been recorded | - Number of contracts where sustainability outcomes have been recorded

Option 7: Monitor contract performance     | | Promoting SPP uptake | Embedding sustainability into the procurement process | Share of tenders which reference SPP criteria within specifications | - Number of tenders which reference SPP criteria within specifications

| Value of tenders which reference SPP criteria within scoring (award criteria) / Total value of tenders | See Option 1: Assign tags to procurements |