<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7df44120-af86-414f-aaea-d5406c86ea9b/Pin_green.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7df44120-af86-414f-aaea-d5406c86ea9b/Pin_green.png" width="40px" /> The following checklist is designed to help you assess the different ways in which you can implement SPP depending on the existing regulatory environment. For more information on the process outlined, and the concepts introduced, see section Establish an enabling environment in the Open SPP toolkit.
First, check the regulation regarding evaluation or award criteria (this will be set in the national framework, or by a multilateral organisation, such as a development bank, if it is a funded project):
[ ] Check whether current regulation only allows you to award a contract to the lowest price bid. If so, there is many things that you can do to implement SPP, including the following:
Introduce existing environmental and social regulations that all suppliers should comply with (e.g. waste management regulations, or ratified international conventions such as those of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)).
Establish sustainability criteria as essential requirements for suppliers. Make sure that these criteria are clearly linked to the subject matter of the contract, and engage with the market to ensure that these criteria can be met by a sufficient number of suppliers. For funded projects, some funding organisations might set some of these criteria themselves.
Consider applying Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) calculations.
[ ] Check whether your enabling framework allows you to award a contract based on criteria other than just price (e.g. M.E.A.T. in Europe). If so, you can apply the same SPP practices as the ones mentioned above, but also design the evaluation process so that sustainability is part of the award criteria. When deciding what criteria to include, it can be useful to align with priorities expressed on existing national, and local, sustainability plans and policies (e.g. net zero goals).
Now, check if there are any provisions and mechanisms that can facilitate SPP implementation:
[ ] Check if there are any provisions to consider specific social and/or environmental factors as award criteria (see here for more information).
[ ] Check that the current regulation allows for sufficient market engagement during the pre-procurement stage, including soliciting feedback from the market (see here for more information).
[ ] Check that current regulation allows for procedures that include open disclosure of information or ongoing dialogue during the procurement phase (such as Competitive Dialogue) (see here for more information).
[ ] Check that existing framework agreements allow space for the introduction of sustainability criteria (see here for more information).