

How to use this toolkit

What is Open SPP?

What our users told us


Establish an enabling environment


Monitoring & evaluation

Build support and capabilities

Create an Action Plan


Assess needs

Choose a procurement method

Engage with the market

Set sustainability criteria

Prepare contract obligations

Monitor implementation

Open data & measuring progress

Options for data use

SPP uptake

Carbon reduction

Gender inclusion

Life cycle costing

Economic Development

Sector guidance

Construction sector

ICT sector


Downloadable tools

Resource directory

Case study database

Guide to ecolabels


What are they?

Procurement Frameworks, often known as Framework Agreements, are commonly used arrangements by which a group of suppliers are selected in order to deliver pre-agreed specifications when required within a defined period of time.

How do they relate to SPP?

Existing Frameworks might complicate the application of SPP practices, so it is important to conduct an assessment of current framework use across the prioritized procurement categories for Open SPP implementation, including usage amount, expiry date, etc. However, introducing essential sustainability criteria when selecting suppliers for a framework, can also be a way of implementing Open SPP. How you can introduce sustainability criteria to evaluate suppliers (i.e. whether you can establish it as an essential requirement, or award criteria) will depend on what is established in your enabling framework.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/702b600e-fd84-4da5-b20c-2b79e510157d/icons_D_Green8.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/702b600e-fd84-4da5-b20c-2b79e510157d/icons_D_Green8.png" width="40px" /> Remember to also check current compliance agreements in frameworks, including standard template contracts. This will inform the current space given for the introduction of SPP approaches and advise on how to ensure alignment for future framework strategy with SPP priorities.
