This section collects the procurement activities that all boroughs should practice as routine, as outlined within our guidance sections. These activities are recognised as best practice and there will be significant shared value created if all boroughs enact them.
Set Up Effective Procurement Pipelines and Contract Registers
Conduct Continuous Horizon Scanning
Share Insight & Best Practice Across Boroughs
Plan for the Procurement Process Effectively
Engage Stakeholders to Define Business Needs and Outcomes
Aggregate Purchasing Demand With Other Boroughs
Engage Deeply With the Supplier Market
Find the Best Reseller For Desired Solutions
Start With a Clear Statement of User Needs
Have Clear Continuous Improvement Standards
Ensure Clarity For API & Data Requirements
Use The Right Procurement Tool
Advertise Opportunities Widely and Accessibly
Manage Contracts in a Standard Way
Ensure Suppliers Continually Improve